Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Little Word.

The word..
I never knew that one simple word can change my entire life..for good.
One simple word can actually change the way i think..change my point of view.
I remember it like it was just yesterday when it happen.
Thinking of it is like waking up from a coma. It's like a bright light flashing right before your eyes.
I cant believe i made that stupid mistake.
Who knew one mistake can change me as a person.
I was a teenager. i knew nothing. all i wanted to do was to have fun.thats all. i didnt expect anything more from it but on the other hand i didnt expect anything less.
I wish i could turn back time or atleast pretend nothing has happend. but it did and i'm ashamed.
That one word..i kept thinking how stupid it is for me not to have think twice about it. its all been done and now i must let go because there's nothing i could've done to prevent it.
How could i have been so blind? I've made a fool of myself.
Oh if i could turn back time, i wish i could that way none of this would've happen.
That one simple word..one little word..one word that really could've changed my life..
I could've said "NO".


ANDRE said...

just let it go
i still see u as my angel, don't worry

and make sure you say "yes" when i propose you


Anonymous said...

YES NO YES NO YES NO..kayaknya pernah denger suara itu dmana yah?? hehehe..

0o0o0o0 iya inget.. ada film ....

hahaha.. jk jk jk.. hehehe

CLARITY said...

penyesalan slalu dtg terakhir..
itulh makanya..
berpikir seribu kali ktika mlakukan sesuatu..
it works..

Nod-nya Tea said...

Can somebody tell me what do you mean?
i'm not catching up, sorry....

is this kind of a secret stuff that only the ones you trust can hear?

I can guess what it is...
Just let it go, you have someone that accepts you as you are...
past is just a past, you can cherish it, but you must not live in it ;-)